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Akari Yasuda is a Hiroshima born and Dubai based artist. Having previously worked as a journalist and an editor at a publishing house in Tokyo between 2007 and 2011, she completed her BA (Hons) in Fine Art at University of the Arts London (Central Saint Martins) in 2018. Since 2020, she has been a member of “RAM Association - Research for Arts and Media-project” (hosted by Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts).
Akari’s artistic practice and research interests relate mainly to the multivalence of the post-anthropocene and the potentialities of a post-industrial utopian future. Works relating to plastic pollution and the environmental crisis form a significant part of her practice. Her work has been shown at a number of exhibitions and art spaces in London, as well as at Freerotation – Electronic Audio/Visual Festival (Wales) and TENT Gallery (Rotterdam), and was shortlisted for the TENT Academy Awards 2018 (Rotterdam).
Akari Yasuda-Akiki は広島県出身、UAE/UK在住のアーティスト。2007年から2011年まで東京の出版社で記者・編集者を務めた後、2018年にロンドン芸術大学セントラル・セント・マーチンズ ファインアート学部を卒業。2020年より東京藝術大学大学院映像研究科が主催するRAM Association : Research for Arts and Media-project に参加している。
近年の芸術的実践と研究の関心は、主にポスト人新世の美学における複数の意味や解釈、ハイブリッドの可能性による両カテゴリーの超越性に関係している。作品はロンドンの展覧会やアートスペース等で発表されるとともに、Freerotation – Electronic Audio/Visual Festival(ウェールズ)、TENT Gallery(ロッテルダム)等でも上映され、The TENT Academy Awards 2018(ロッテルダム)にノミネートされた。
2007-2011 Journalist / editor at SHUFU TO SEIKATSU SHA, Tokyo
2013-2014 Foundation Diploma in Art and Design, Central Saint Martins, London
2014-2018 BA Fine Art, Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts, London
2019 CSR officer, Brand Communications Division, Panasonic Corporation, Tokyo
2020-2021 RAM Association Trainee: Research for Arts and Media-project hosted by
Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts
2021-2023 RAM Association Intern: Research for Arts and Media-project hosted by
Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts
Lives and works between UAE and UK
Selected Screenings
2022 - Festival Des Cinémas Différents Et Expérimentaux De Paris 24e édition, Le Grand Action, Paris
2021 - RAM Practice 2021 – Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo
2018 - Video Art Festival – TENT Academy Awards 2018, Kino Cinema, Rotterdam
- Freerotation – Electronic Audio/Visual Festival 2018, Baskerville Hall, Wales
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2017 - 06 08 2017 (To Be In The Present - a Samurai tea ceremony, commemorating 72 years since the
bombing of Hiroshima), White Conduit Projects, London
Selected Group Exhibitions
2021 - RAM Practice 2021, Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo
2018 - TENT Academy Awards 2018 Finalists, TENT Rotterdam, Rotterdam
- COLOURED, Willesden Gallery, London
- Anomalous Forms, Crypt Gallery, London
- Degree Show One, Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts, London
- The King of a Hundred Streams, The Old Malt House, Bristol
- Tate Exchange : STUDIO COMPLEX, Tate Modern, London
2017 - CROSS PLAY, White Conduit Projects, London
- The butterfly that perfumes it’s wings fans the lotus flower, The Pickle Factory, London
- Art Action UK : Art and the Anthropocene, Central Saint Martins, London
- Tate Exchange : This is an Art School, Tate Modern, London
2016 - Mind, Body, Faith, Wellcome Collection, London
- SOPOROSE, St Ethelburga’s, London
2015 - City, Studio or Similar, The Lethaby Gallery, London
2014 - Foundation Degree Show 2014, Central Saint Martins, London
- Out of Space, The Granary Building, London
2018 - TENT Academy Awards 2018 – The Best Foreign Film Award, Short listed (Rotterdam)
Lectures and public talks
2019 - MAIMOKU episode 85 : Art and The Plastic Waste Crisis with Artist Akari Yasuda,
The Mainichi Newspaper's online TV program, live streamed on 27 June 2019
2018 - Christian Dreyer CFA : CEO, CFA Society Switzerland (Basel) [Personal Collection]
Selected Bibliography
- Hanayo Kuno, People: Akari Yasuda / Presented a Video Work on Plastic Waste, The Mainichi
Newspaper (morning edition), 1 November 2018
- Hanayo Kuno, South France report : A Beach Where Plastics Bloom, The Mainichi Newspaper blog,
9 October 2018