Still image from "9,000 Square Feet"(2021)
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■"9,000 Square Feet"(2021) is selected to compete the FESTIVAL DES CINÉMAS DIFFÉRENTS ET EXPÉRIMENTAUX DE PARIS 24th edition and will be screened at CINÉMA LE GRAND ACTION, Paris on 14 October 2022.
■The wind went crazy between the rocks because to its ears the soft song of the trees came no longer (2022) will be radio premiered on Netil Radio on 18 Autust 2022 11am - 1pm(GMT), including we talking about the project as well as the recording of the performance. [now on-demand]
■I collaborated with the sound artist, Ben Kelly/Aboutface for third time at Freerotation Festival, Wales on 9 July 2022. Aboutface ft. Akari Yasuda-Akiki presents – The wind went crazy between the rocks because to its ears the soft song of the trees came no longer (2022) [collaboration]
■I discussed "Chimera"(2018) as part of the Mainichi Newspaper's online TV program "MAIMOKU: episode 85 "Art and The Plastic Waste Crisis". The program was live streamed on 27 June 2019, one day before the G20 Osaka Summit, at which the topic of marine plastic pollution was a major issue.
■I was interviewed, and"Chimera"(2018) was featured, on the Mainichi Newspaper's morning edition on 1 November 2018. [online version]
■My video installation "Chimera"(2018), which formed part of an exhibition at The Crypt Gallery in London, was reviewed in a column written by France-based journalist Hanayo Kuno, titled "South France report : A Beach Where Plastics Bloom" and featured in the online edition of the Mainichi Newspaper on 9 October 2018. Kuno-san noted (translated):
"Yasuda-san's work does more than function as a documentary film highlighting the danger of plastic waste [...] her art is filled with a power that evokes the complex emotions and memories of humans - in a way that transcends the "factual". [...] Through my conversation with Yasuda-san, I imagined the shiny plastics as human beings bearing the burden of an existence in which decomposition is not an option. There is, for them, no option but to remain, and I even found myself having sympathy for their hopeless existence"
■"Chimera"(2018) was shortlisted for the TENT Academy Awards 2018 and was screened as part of the Video Art Festival at KINO Rotterdam on 8 September 2018. The work was also exhibited at TENT Rotterdam on 14 September 2018.
UK, UAE, Japan
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■2019年6月27日(木)午後4時から、毎日新聞・解説ライブ「まいもく:第85回『アートで訴える プラスチックごみ問題』」に生出演。G20大阪サミットを前日に控え、主要課題となる海洋プラスチックごみ問題に関連づけ、「Chimera(キメラ)」についてお話させていただきました。
■毎日新聞 2018年11月1日の朝刊で、「Chimera(キメラ)」と私のインタビューをご紹介いただきました。[新聞記事コピー] [オンライン版]
■2018年10月9日の毎日新聞オンラインで、ロンドンのクリプトギャラリーで展示したビデオ・インスタレーション「Chimera(キメラ)」のレビューをフランス在住の久野華代記者に書いていただきました。「ややパリには遠く~南仏留学記 プラスチックの咲く海辺」 下記、一部抜粋。
■「Chimera(キメラ)」がオランダ・ロッテルダムのテント・アカデミー賞候補にノミネートされ、2018年9月8日ロッテルダムの映画館Kino RotterdamでVideo Art Festivalの一環として上映され、テント・ギャラリーでも特別展示されました。